July 11, 2022
At one time, every self-respecting author seemed to have a blog. When author blogs first became popular, they were a way for authors to stay in touch with readers, post personal updates, and engage with a wider audience. Many of these early author blogs are still thriving, but blogs have diminished in popularity as vlogs, podcasts, and other forms of social media have become more prominent.
In today’s online world, is an author blog still a necessity? The answer, it turns out, is a loud and clear, “It depends.” Here are some things to consider if you’re planning to launch one.
There are many reasons people blog. Typically, someone has a strong interest in a subject, and they feel a need to express their opinions on the subject or post articles aimed at others with the same interests. Some blogs have become authoritative sources of information on everything from fishing to marketing to political analysis. These bloggers have built a following among people in their field or industry because they offer useful, engaging content. People blog to:
If you don’t see “make money” on that list, that’s because blogging is no longer a sure way to make money. Some bloggers do make an income from blogging, but it usually takes several years to build up a revenue stream from blogging. It also requires a specific type of blog.
Writer’s blogs usually examine the author’s work and the world of writing in general. Just as other bloggers pursue blogging for varied reasons, authors have their reasons for wanting to post regularly to a blog.
Here are some reasons a writer might want an author blog:
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can cover all these subjects in one blog. The most successful blogs specialize in one subject or area of focus. People should know what to expect when they read your blog.
Who is the most likely audience for your blog? Choosing your target audience is one of the most important parts of building a blog. It’s not enough to get thousands of views. That’s great, but you want those views from people who will keep coming back for more. It’s worse to have 500 people peek at your blog and click away than it is to have 100 people who find your content captivating and keep coming back for more. Those 100 people will engage with you, write comments, and promote your blog to other readers.
As an author, your target audience will determine the type of content you write. It will also guide your marketing efforts.
Your readers are probably at the top of your list. They’re interested in your work and want to know when you’re publishing your next book. They might have questions about your personal life or your creative process. These readers are fans, so reward them for their loyalty by keeping them in the “first to know” category about your current and future projects. Respond to their comments, and let them know about any opportunities to meet you in person.
You might also target fellow writers. If you take this approach, you’ll want to produce articles that offer writing or publishing tips. These tips can cover everything from your favorite writing routine to recommendations for writing software. You can build your author blog as a source of helpful information on everything related to writing and getting published.
If your blog focuses on something else entirely, think about likely customers for that viewpoint. You can build this audience by targeting potential readers on social media or by submitting articles, known as guest posts, to other blogs on the same subject.
Have you started to guess that building an author blog is a lot of work? You’re right. It takes a lot of research, writing, and technical knowledge to create a successful blog with a large, loyal following. It takes even more work if you want to monetize your blog to make money from it.
Is it worth it? Consider these reasons it might not be.
If you want a successful author blog, you need to post consistently. Many bloggers start by posting something every day to build an audience. Blogging allows you to post long articles and short, one-paragraph updates. Bloggers may drop the frequency once they have a lot of readers, but they’re still expected to post at least weekly and on the same day every week. Are you ready to commit to that type of schedule?
If your goal is to produce a book or other creative work, blogging may take up too much time, mental effort, and creativity. You may find yourself obsessed with your traffic numbers and comments instead of focusing on your writing. For most writers, writing time is precious. Do you want to eat up this time with worries about your author blog, or are you better off focusing all your spare time on your writing?
There are more than 700 million active blogs. It can be hard to make yourself stand out from the crowd. If you’re a writer, you may be better off using other methods to find readers and build a following.
Blogging is fast and casual. You get immediate reactions from your readers and can engage with them in the comments section. Because it encourages frequent posting and fast responses, blogging may blunt your creative edge. There is no time to reflect or to hone your words.
If your primary goal in blogging is to make money, you’ll have to use affiliate marketing, sell online products, offer paid courses, and build a blog that is primarily a sales vehicle. This is a vastly different product than an author blog that’s focused on your creative work or your personal perspectives. It’s also time-consuming, and you’ll find yourself stretched in many directions.
If you’ve decided to give blogging a whirl, you’ll be in good company. Many people enjoy blogging, and you might find it fits the bill for you. Ask yourself these questions:
Be sure you have the right answers before you start building your author blog.
An author blog can be an excellent way to market your book and build connections with fellow writers. On the other hand, you may feel that it’s too big a commitment at this stage of your writing career. Only you can make that decision.
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