book benefits

Book Benefits: Grow Your Brand in 5 Steps

Salmaan Ahmad

Salmaan Ahmad

February 26, 2025

There are many book benefits from publishing a book. It is a terrific way to show yourself as an expert. It can help you grow your brand, establish yourself as an authority, and enhance your marketing efforts. If you want to enjoy these book benefits, follow these steps.

Grow Your Brand with a Book

In today’s world, marketers are always talking about your brand and branding. What do they mean? In simple terms, it’s how you are perceived by the public. It’s the words someone would use to describe you, your business, or your products.

To get a sense of what branding is, compare a Ford F-150 truck to a Lincoln Navigator. They’re both vehicles, but obviously, they differ greatly in the way you think about them. They appeal to different buyers, and their marketing is completely different.

How Good Is Your Brand?

When it comes to your business and to you, you must make sure your branding reflects the image you want to reveal to the world. You establish your brand through your use of marketing images, the way you present yourself, and your social media. One of the best ways to grow your brand is to become a book author for the book benefits.

A published book gives you these book benefits:

  • Credibility: Other people may claim to know something about your business or industry, but have they published a book about it?
  • Authority: You’ve put your name to a published work, and you stand by your work and your words.
  • Ability: You clearly know enough to write a book that can guide others in the same field.
  • Legacy: A book is a memento of a moment in your time and a testament that you give to others.

1. Define Your Book’s Purpose and Content for Book Benefits

What book benefits make you want to author a book? Most people write books because they have valuable information or insights to share. Your business book could be one of many things:

  • Overview of your industry
  • Tips and practical advice for people in your industry
  • History of your company or business
  • Self-help or how-to for business success
  • New insights on leadership
  • Motivation for leaders and executives

Make sure your book’s point can be summed up in one sentence. If someone asks what it’s about, have a prepared response that gives the basics without going into too much dry, tedious detail.

Be Direct about Book Benefits

A business book should be short and direct. Stay away from flowery language and business jargon. Use everyday language that the average reader will understand. If your industry uses specific terminology, use it, but be sure to explain what the terms mean in direct language.

Similarly, choose a title that is equally direct. Don’t worry about making it creative. That isn’t necessary for a nonfiction book. People who buy business books are busy. They don’t have much time to read, so any book they pick up—or listen to—must give them factual information and practical help they can’t get anywhere else.

Just like the writing for a business book, the title must be direct and to the point. Don’t try to be too creative here. For a business book, you must use a title that is non-nonsense and completely clear about its topic and purpose. Is it a 10-step action plan to become more productive? Is it a daily motivational quote? What are the book benefits? Make sure the reader knows what to expect in terms of book benefits when picking up your book.

Design an Eye-Catching Cover

Like the book’s contents, the cover should be clean and direct. Choose a straightforward design that highlights its title, your name, and what the book promises to deliver in book benefits.

Use the cover as part of your marketing. If you’ve won any industry awards, note that on the front or back cover. Have you gotten early reviews? Use snippets of the reviews as part of your cover design.

To get the best results, hire a professional graphic designer who specializes in book cover design. To grow your brand, everything you produce should look high-level and professional and promise great book benefits.

2. Set a Writing Schedule

As an executive or industry leader, you have experience with schedules. Now, you need to fit the writing of your book into your packed schedule. How will you do it?

For a brief time, your book must become a priority when you’re organizing each day, week, and month. Fortunately, the average business book is shorter than a fiction book or a nonfiction book in another category.

When setting up your writing schedule, it’s helpful to know how long it typically takes to draft a book.

How Long Will It Take?

On average, it takes six months to a year to take a book from first word to printing. Here’s a look at the numbers in detail.

Let’s assume you write 500 words a day. That’s a reasonable goal for any writer, even someone who’s busy with other projects. The average business book is 30,000 – 50,000 words long, and the preference among readers is for shorter books.

If you write 500 words a day, it will take you 60 days to write a book of 30,000 words. That’s about two months if you write every weekday and take weekends off. At that rate, you can complete 50,000 in 100 days, which is under six months.

But—and this is a big but—you still must revise, edit, and polish the book. Those word counts are just for a first draft. If you’re a fast, experienced writer whose work doesn’t need much revision, you can get your book done in two months. If you’re less experienced and need more editing, it could take six months or longer to finish your book.

Also, you must account for any research you’ll have to do for the book. Do you have all the sources, references, and images you need? Set aside time to pull everything together.

3. Get Help If You Need It

If all this sounds overwhelming, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Hire researchers to do the first digging for you. Professional writers will take your notes and ideas, and they’ll turn them into well-written prose you’ll be proud to put your name on. You can hire a freelance writer who will do the bulk of the heavy writing work for you, leaving you free to focus on other things.

If you’re confident about your writing, consider hiring a professional editor who can help you organize the book and polish it. Professional editors know what the book buying public expects. An editor can bring out your book’s true potential and book benefits.

At the very least, hire a professional proofreader to catch any final typos or grammar mistakes in your manuscript before you publish it.

4. Choose Your Publishing Options

There are several options when you publish a book. The fastest, easiest way to get your name in print is to publish it yourself. Independent self-publishing allows you to put your book on a direct-to-print format. The main book benefits to doing this are:

  • Maintain control of your book’s marketing, promotion, and image
  • Keeping more royalties
  • Quicker publishing
  • No rejection from publishers

Another choice is to publish it as an e-book that readers can download at once from your website or author page. Some authors offer their e-books free as lead magnets on their websites. A lead magnet can help you build an email list, which is another good way to grow your brand and prove yourself as an authority.

5. Launch Your Book

Your book is ready to go. It’s backed by a marketing plan that focuses on your expertise and authority in your industry. One of the chief book benefits is showing your reputation in your industry.

For the best results, start the marketing push before your book is finished. Put together a marketing plan that focuses on you and helps you grow your brand. It’s smart to start your marketing at least two months before your official publication date. Start your book launch strong with a great-looking cover, the right marketing push, and a well-researched, professionally written book.

Book Benefits Can Help You Grow Your Brand

When you’re building a brand, you need every advantage you can get. Publishing a book is a fantastic way to establish yourself while sharing your insights with the world. At Publishing Xpress, we specialize in helping first-time writers get their books in print. We can help you, too.

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