Creating Lifebook Printing Projects to Leave a Legacy

Creating Lifebook Printing Projects to Leave a Legacy

Ann O'Brien

Ann O'Brien

June 26, 2017

Lifebook printing projects have become popular with some adoption agencies that want the children to have an idea of their family history. But they can also be a great way to ensure that your children know about their family heritage from their grandparents.

Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other kinds of dementia has been increasing (Source: and a National Institute of Aging study estimated that 1 in 7 Americans over 71 years old has some form of dementia.

This is difficult for everyone in the family, but one of the hardest aspects to face is that the grandchildren’s memories of their grandparent are formed when the grandparent is no longer themselves. The children do not get to know who their grandparents were before the disease took affect.

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The Benefits of Lifebook Printing Projects

Lifebook printing projects gives families the opportunity to get the stories down on paper before the details get too muddled. Life experiences, advice, and photos from every stage of life can be sprinkled throughout the book.

Grandparents can leave personal messages to the grandchildren at different milestones: for example, a photo of grandma at sixteen years old paired with a note telling her granddaughter about her first car and how excited she was to drive herself to school. Grandchildren can use the lifebook printing projects as a reference when they are speaking with their grandparents, who may be confused about the time.

For those who had the misfortune of losing a grandparent while they were very young or before they were born, lifebook printing projects are their way to get to know the person who raised their own parent.

The legacy left by the grandparent is passed down through more than spoken stories and recollections: the physical book is the durable record of their life, unaffected by time or memory loss.

Publishing Xpress offers book printing services that work perfectly for creating a lifebook. They can be any size up to 8 ½ x 11 and in full color or black and white. There are numerous options for text and cover stock and we offer UV and lamination cover coating and multiple binding styles: perfect bound, plastic coil, saddle stitch, and wire-o. We would love to partner with you to ensure that even if memories fade, your loved one’s life story is preserved.

Be sure to check out our numerous 5-star Google reviews!

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