August 7, 2024
You’ve been asked to design your dance recital program. You have the basics down, and you’re all set with an easy-to-use template, content that’s already been written, and a plan of action. Now, how do you go beyond the basics to produce a program that’s an eye-catching standout?
With the right images, paper choices, and other elements, even someone who’s not a graphic designer can produce an attractive dance recital program. Here are some design tips to take your dance recital program to the next level.
The main purpose of a dance recital program is to help readers enjoy the event. A good dance recital program should give readers the information they need about the program, its history, and starting times for all the notable events. It should also be attractive and well-designed. When thinking about what to include, be sure you’re thinking about it from the audience’s perspective.
You can improve any dance recital program by adding pictures. They’ll break up the text and make your program come alive. You’ll make the most impact with a mix of photos, clip art, and graphics. Fortunately, it’s easy to find these images online.
Keep two things in mind before you use an image you find through an internet search. First, that image may have a copyright attached to it. If you use it, you could break the law by using it without the owner’s permission. This permission is known as a license. To avoid using an image you need a license for, use only copyright-free images. These are images that anyone can use without breaking the law.
Second, be sure you can use images you don’t have to pay for. Sometimes, the owner of an image allows people to use it, but only for a fee. This is known as a royalty fee.
To make things even more complicated, some copyright owners will only let you use their works if your project is noncommercial. They don’t allow you to use them in marketing or advertising materials.
Where does this leave you?
The best way to avoid these problems is to use pictures that are both copyright-free and royalty-free. Luckily for designers, bloggers, and others who need great-looking pictures, there are places where you can find pictures that are free to use and don’t require a royalty or license.
There are three types of pictures you should consider adding to your dance recital program. First are photos of your dance company, dance studio, and individual dancers. Add a double-page photo spread showing photos of rehearsals, performances, and other events. These photos will give readers the feeling that they’re getting and insider’s look at your dance company.
The next are stock photos and other stock pictures. These add interesting elements to your design when you use them correctly.
Do you want an eye-catching cover for your dance recital program? Every program should have an eye-catching cover, and stock images make it easy for you. Choose a beautiful image of a lone dancer and one or two simple lines of text for your cover design. Keep the colors in the rest of the program consistent with that cover image.
Stock images can make your layout more interesting. For instance, instead of just adding page numbers to each corner, add a page number and a tiny dancing figure. Insert a dance-related image at the start of each section of your program.
Don’t go overboard. Your layout and design should be clean and simple. You don’t want to overstuff your program with text, and that goes double for pictures. Use the right number that will make your program come alive without cluttering up your design.
What is the right paper for dance recital programs? Most design tips suggest using the heaviest paper you can afford, but it isn’t that simple. The choice depends on your design goals and your budget. Here are some options you might consider.
What about your program cover? You have two good options.
Paper weight isn’t the only thing to consider when making paper choices for your programs. Think about the finish you want on your paper. Paper finish is one of the most overlooked design tips, but it’s one that can make your program stand out.
The “finish” is the surface appearance and feeling of the paper. You’re probably familiar with matte and glossy finishes, but there are some more details.
We hope you found these design tips helpful. At Publishing Xpress, we offer expert printing of dance recital programs, brochures, invitations, and everything else your dance company needs. Talk to us today to learn more about our fast, affordable printing services.
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