May 29, 2021
We’ve all seen those notes at the bottom of emails saying to save trees by not printing the email message.
While it’s always a good idea to conserve any resource, the implication of that message is that electronic communications are more environmentally friendly than print. Is that true?
In short, the answer is no. Here are some interesting statistics (courtesy of the website
So don’t feel guilty about printing out an email, marketing brochure, or other types of printing. Printing is actually more environmentally friendly than electronic alternatives.
In fact, you may want to add one of these taglines recommended by the Print Is Big website:
Print is Green! Paper is a completely renewable resource and environmentally friendly. If you really care about the environment, save energy by turning off your computer tonight. Find out more:
Go ahead, print my email. You’ll read it 10-30% faster and produce 20% less CO2. And yes, paper does grow on trees. Find out more:
There are more forests in the U.S. today than there were 50 years ago. Don’t believe the hype, get the facts:
When you’re ready to get your book printed in an environmentally friendly way, contact Publishing Xpress to get started, or visit our quote calculator.
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