How you can be making money for your organization from fundraising ad book

Fundraising Ad Book: How to Make Money for Your Organization

Salmaan Ahmad

Salmaan Ahmad

August 6, 2015

We know what you are probably thinking – we must be crazy. Making money from a fundraising ad book? Is that even possible? Well, you are on your way to learning the truth – and the truth will most likely surprise you.

It doesn’t matter what your organization is or what its main domain of activities is. Are you into sports, charity, or maybe entertainment? All these domains can be used (and reused) to earn money and take your business and cause to the next level.

There are several strategies to earn money by creating a fundraising ad book, but first you have to know what the book will represent. In most case it will probably be a program book that you will share with the public. It will incorporate planned activities in the domain of your concern and include advertising from various sources. You have to earn the purchase of the ad space, and this article will explain how you can do that.

1. Use a professional template for your fundraising ad book

Your ad book has to look great. But you really don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Yes, employing a graphic designer is something that can add value to your ad book. Spending tens of hours designing it yourself is also a solution. However, you would rather spend that time and money on something more pressing or important, right?

Using well designed templates that work will provide you with the special touch you seek and save you a massive amount of time trying things on your own. There are several organizations and websites that offer such templates, and some are even free.

Try the templates and you’ll be amazed by how much time you have saved. Also, don’t forget to keep things professional – proofread your text or engage a skilled editor to do it for you.

2. Maximize the space for personal ads in your fundraising ad book

It all depends on the cause and the purpose of the fundraising ad book, but people and organizations usually want to add a personal touch or simply advertise their product or service. Why don’t you create the space for them to do it? Of course, printing and distributing a program book is not cheap; therefore, the same can be said for your ad space.

With good planning regarding the ad space placement and realistic pricing, you can earn a fair amount of money selling your ad space. The most important thing is to successfully sell your ad space – make advertisers see it as valuable. Your reach, target audience, quality of printing and design will all be crucial for making a successful deal with an advertiser.

3. Choose a reliable printing partner for your fundraising ad book

Since your ad book will probably be printed, much will depend on the quality of print for your fundraising ad book. However, there is more to it when it comes to publishing. Your ad book fundraiser printing partner should be reliable, diligent, professional and helpful. If it just so happens that you have missed something or made an error regarding dimensions, a good printing partner will make sure that everything is fixed for you. They won’t just go on with it and print the book (errors and all), or be impolite and return it without an explanation.

A reliable printing partner will also help you mend some design issues that you might have and finish the preparations for the printing. You probably don’t have the knowledge and experience to operate a printing press, yet alone own one. Your printing partner, on the other hand, owns a press and (hopefully) knows how to handle it to your avail.

4. Tap into an available vendor list for your fundraising ad book

You might be building a program book for a school, maybe for its planned sports activities, with your fundraising add book. Did it occur to you that the school already has several vendors that provide it with various products and services? Did it occur to you that you can request the vendor list from an administrator, specifically lists of various school departments?

What you need to do is introduce yourself to the vendors and inform them about the opportunity to advertise in your ad book. For example, food vendors can always be advertised so that they try and outmaneuver the competition within the same school. Sports equipment vendors share the same destiny.

Instead of writing your own solicitation letters, you can gain access to previously prepared materials by professionals that will ensure your success.

5. Track your progress for your fundraising ad book

What’s the point in trying every trick in the book, if you have no idea how well each tactic fares. The solution is simple – Start tracking your successes (or failures) for your fundraising add book. When you establish a good benchmark system, it will provide you with the means to measure your progress, praise yourself for things you are doing well and fix things that are not going according to plan.

It might be something very simple. For example, set up a target amount of ad money earned in a period of three months. Or, you can aim to have a certain percentage of your ad space “reserved” by the end of said period, say 80%. In any case, it will provide you with the vision to push forward and figure out what to do next if something does not bring the desired results.

But, be sure to set up an achievable, realistic goal. You probably won’t become a millionaire by creating just one program ad book, and tracking this goal will probably make you feel inadequate and incapable of achieving more than what your hopes are.

Making money off a fundraising ad book is viable and achievable, but you really have to make an effort. Create a master plan of activities and execute them relentlessly, while benchmarking your results and searching for ways of improvement.

You must have the main goal in mind, which is selling the most significant part (i.e. 80%) of your ad space and making revenue. Your organization will benefit greatly from the increased income flow and the increased exposure from your fundraising ad book, since you will always be able to put your own advertisement and logo on the last page of the ad book.

Happy hunting!

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