media attention

Media Attention: Get Great Focus on Your Book

Salmaan Ahmad

Salmaan Ahmad

January 8, 2025

Getting media attention is part of your overall marketing plan. Whether you’ve written a book or started a business, you can use this attention to establish your brand and watch your sales numbers rise. Here are some tips for getting media attention to promote your book.

Main Types of Media Attention

When you talk about media attention, there are essentially three types: owned, earned, and paid.

  • Owned media: This is media you personally control and manage. It includes printed marketing materials, social media channels, blogs, website, podcast, and other outlets you create.
  • Paid media: Any time you pay for a media appearance, it’s considered paid media. This includes advertisements, paying to be the subject of a news story, or paying to be on TV. It also refers to sponsorships such as paid endorsements by social media influencers.
  • Earned media: When the press covers you without charging you for the coverage, that’s known as earned media. Because it’s coverage you haven’t paid for, it carries more weight and prestige than other types of media attention.

Media Attention: Get the Word Out with a Press Release

A press release is the first step in your search for media attention. A press release is an announcement of any news event. It is a short, direct statement of the facts written in a newsy style.

When you write a press release, you send it to a company known as a news wire service—these companies still use that name, even though most press releases are sent out digitally and not over the news wires. Reporters and newsrooms scan hundreds of press releases daily to find one that sparks their interest in writing an interview or article.

To write a press release, keep the following pointers in mind:

1 A press release is not a publicity piece. While you’re trying to get attention for your book, the press release is fact-based and news-focused. It should focus less on how great your book is and more on the simple fact that you’ve written and published it.

2 Be brief and to the point. The average press release runs 300 to 500 words, including the headlines and contact information.

3 Use the standard press release formatting that every release must follow. Otherwise, the wire services will reject your release. No reputable news company will work with a press release that looks amateurish.

4 If you’re struggling to write and format your release, follow the tips at wire services like PR Newswire, Newswire, or the SMB Guide, which are all online. You can also hire a freelance writer to write and format a release.

5 Think about how the news of your book relates to the readers of blogs, newspapers, and other media outlets. Write it with that audience in mind.

Trends develop quickly, especially in the online world. If you are interested in being part of the news trends, you must know what they are. Earning media attention means understanding where you fit into those topics and discussion groups.

You can’t know everything, of course, but try to stay on top of trends and topics of discussion that relate to your book.

If you’ve written a nonfiction book, you have a built-in audience of experts in your field and people interested in reading about it. For a fiction book, your potential topics would include discussions of your chosen genre, discussions on author blogs, and what types of books are currently getting the most interest from readers.

Media Attention: Make It Easy for Journalists

Newsrooms receive hundreds of press releases every day. To attract attention, you must stand out from the others by making it easy for editors and reporters to do their job. They are on tight deadlines and need interesting content daily. You can grab their attention with a well-packaged release and a pitch aimed at their readers.

That means preparing a release and a media package that do much of the work for them. It also means being ready to take their calls and handle on-the-spot interviews. Here are some tips anyone can follow:

  • Aim the press release at the publication’s target audience
  • Include visuals such as your book’s cover image and your author photo
  • Be available if they call you for a brief interview
  • Add a quotation they can pull from the press release to round out the article

Doing this ensures the outlet will call you next time they’re writing an article on a similar topic, leading to repeated publicity for you and your book.

Media Attention: Refine Your Pitch

The best way to win earned media attention is to develop a pitch for each outlet you’re targeting. If you’ve written a book about parenting, you want to approach media outlets that include daytime talk shows, morning news channels, parenting blogs, and childcare magazines.

Always keep the readers or viewers of the outlet in mind. If you’re pitching to a gardening show, explain how your book relates to gardeners and plant lovers.

Check the outlet’s submission guidelines. Some will want you to pitch an idea directly to an editor, but others may want you to pitch your own article or interview idea. Check to see if the publication or outlet has a media contact you can send a press release or press package to. Make sure you’re following their guidelines for submissions or story ideas.

Personalize your pitch, if you can, to a specific editor or department. Focus on how your article idea fits the interests of their readers.

Media Attention: Spend Wisely on Paid Media

Paid media has its own advantages. It’s fast, easy to track, and allows you to keep control of your advertising approach. While it costs more than other types of marketing, it can have a high rate of return. If you’re on a tight budget, you may want to wait before spending on paid advertising.


Television is the most expensive type of advertising, and it may not be right for a book by a new author. Books aren’t usually advertised on TV. The best way to get media attention on TV is through earned media like a news interview or talk show appearance.


Radio is more affordable than TV, and it may offer outlets better targeted at readers. Radio stations often have news programs, talk shows, and call-in shows that cover a variety of topics. You can try a blend of paid media and earned media on radio to really get the word out about your book.


Podcasts are a new source for paid advertising. They’re rapidly growing in popularity and reach hundreds or thousands of listeners every day. Podcast advertising is an effective way to boost interest in your book, especially if you advertise on a podcast that deals with a related subject.

Online advertising

Online advertising is affordable. It can be a good way to start getting paid media attention without tying up your budget. However, it works best when in combination with other forms of advertising or promotion efforts.

Media Attention: Get the Publicity Your Book Deserves

A mix of paid advertising, earned media, and paid media will help your book stand out. For a book that looks and feels its best, turn to professional printing from Publishing Xpress.

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