nonfiction marketing

Nonfiction Marketing Tools: Use Them to Successfully Sell More Books

Ann O'Brien

Ann O'Brien

March 30, 2023

Writing a nonfiction book is a huge accomplishment. Now, you have to make sure people want to read it. You can do that by using nonfiction marketing tools that other nonfiction writers have used with success. Promoting and selling a book is a multi-pronged activity. These nonfiction marketing tools, tips, and strategies will help you create a successful marketing campaign for yours.

1. Develop a Lead Generator

A lead generator attracts visitors to your website and other social media. The best part about building a lead generator is that it is a form of passive nonfiction marketing. You can set it up, and it will continue working for months and even years.

What is a lead generator? Simply put, it is something you offer your readers free in exchange for their contact information. Every reader who wants that free item becomes another member of your mailing list. If you offer valuable content, people are happy to sign up for it. That’s why lead generators are sometimes called “lead magnets.” They attract readers like magnets and almost guarantee a positive response.

Types of lead generators

You can create one of two kinds of lead generators. One is a single item, typically, an e-book. You may have already seen examples of these on websites you’ve visited, and you may have signed up for some of these free products yourself. For example, if you’re on a website reading about how to deal with the skin condition rosacea, you might come across an ad that says, “Get my free e-book on natural remedies for all types of skin conditions!” If you’re on a yoga site, you might get an offer for “The 10-minute yoga routine that keeps me strong!”

The second type is a lead generator that involves repeated contact with your reader, for instance, an email course or a newsletter. Some authors have free newsletters on subjects of interest to their readers, and others create targeted courses on a huge variety of subjects. Look around, and you’ll see a 10-part email course for everything from cooking for diabetics to overcoming homesickness.

These newsletters, free courses, and free e-books have one goal. They aim to build a healthy email list for the author.

Where the lead magnet goes

You should make your lead generator part of your author website. Most do-it-yourself website builders come with free plug-ins for a lead generator. There’s no cost to do it except for your time.

Start working on your lead magnet

As a nonfiction book author, there are many lead magnets you can create that will appeal to the type of readers you want and help with your nonfiction marketing. What type of practical guide or course would they find irresistible?

Yes, it’s more work for you. Besides writing your book, you now must write something that you plan to give away. That seems like a lot of effort, and it is, but it’s effort that will pay off. Once it’s done, you don’t have to do anything except an occasional update for an effective nonfiction marketing tool. It will continue to generate leads and build your email list, even while you’re asleep or busy doing other things.

Lead generators are one of the best nonfiction marketing tools you can have, so try to get yours done before you finish writing your book.

2. Social Media: Use Your Accounts as Nonfiction Marketing Tools

Social media is an important marketing tool, but you must know what you’re doing. First, understand that social media alone isn’t enough to market your book. It can, however, work as a powerful support for your other nonfiction marketing campaigns.

Second, understand that you won’t reach huge numbers of people this way. Social media may seem like it’s everywhere, but it isn’t. There are many people out there who have no idea how to use Twitter, Tik-Tok, or Instagram.

Some people get all their news from social media, some use it as a way to get quick news updates that they then explore and research later, and many people have no interaction with social media at all. You can’t ignore social media, but don’t use it as your sole source of nonfiction marketing.

Third, use it the right way. If you’ve never been active on social media sites, don’t start sending out tweets urging people to buy your book. It will seem odd and intrusive because you haven’t established a presence there. Here are some details on the best sites to use and how to use them.

Author website and blog

An author website and blog are key nonfiction marketing tools. Keep yours updated with news about your book release. Many authors say they can’t imagine keeping a blog on top of writing a lead generator and authoring a book.

That’s an understandable response, but you don’t have to spend a lot of time writing this blog. Just update the news section regularly, and make sure people know where and how to buy your book. If you had a blog you took time off from to write your book, be sure your readers know that’s why you disappeared.


LinkedIn is one of the best nonfiction marketing tools for your book. That’s because it attracts professionals and industry leaders. It’s a gathering place for people who want networking and learning opportunities related to advancing their career.

It’s the ideal place to promote business-to-business books, how-to and self-help books for career professionals, and other nonfiction book titles.

The best way to use LinkedIn is to post articles you’ve written. You can post articles from your blog or other places, but be sure to give credit to the original publication. Include a banner that says, “Reposted from [XX] site.”

You can also write original articles and post them. These articles help establish your authority and expertise. Other LinkedIn looking for information on the topic of your book will find your articles.

If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, get one today. It’s free, it only takes a few minutes, and the site has helpful how-to guides.

LinkedIn is also a good place to contact professionals who might be interested in your book. Include a link to your author website with every article you post to help make this a great nonfiction marketing tool.


Medium is a free publishing platform that any writer can use. It uses a recommendation system to guide readers to articles that will interest them.

Medium readers pay a few dollars a month for a subscription that allows them to read unlimited numbers of articles. Medium has a huge audience; in 2022, it reached more than 700,000 subscribers.

Medium is one of the more valuable nonfiction marketing tools because it helps you market yourself. Once you begin publishing articles, the site’s algorithm will direct readers with similar interests and profiles to yours to your articles.

You can even make money from Medium if enough people read, comment on, and share your articles.

To get started, set up a free account, and begin posting articles related to the subject of your book. Interested readers will find you. Always include information about the book and a link to your author website.


Twitter can be a good nonfiction marketing tool, but only if you have a good following. If you don’t, start by setting up a free account. Once you have a solid following, start pointing your followers to your book or website.

It can take a while to develop a large following on Twitter. In the meantime, use your account to develop good online relationships with other people with an interest in the topic of your book.

Include a link to your blog or website on your Twitter account. Once you’ve set up a following and have good relationships with some accounts, you can begin actively promoting your book. Your goal should be to send readers to your website to build your email list.

3. Offer Free Public Speaking

Public speaking is an excellent nonfiction marketing tool. If you don’t mind speaking for a free or a small stipend, this can be one of the most powerful nonfiction marketing tools. Look for trade associations, conventions, nonprofit organizations, service clubs, senior centers, schools, and local chamber of commerce groups.

Organizations like the Rotary Club host several speakers each year, and they will allow you to promote your book in exchange. They may even allow you to bring copies of it to sell on the spot. High schools, colleges, and charities are always in need of public speakers who can deliver an interesting talk to their students and members.

Print and Promote Your Book

Are you ready to start using these nonfiction marketing tools to promote your book? Before you do, make sure it is professionally printed. At Publishing Xpress, we provide expert printing and outstanding customer service. Contact us to learn more.

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