Plastic Coil Workbook Printing: Spotlight on Jas Talks Law

Plastic Coil Workbook Printing: Spotlight on Jas Talks Law

Ann O'Brien

Ann O'Brien

March 10, 2018

Getting into law school isn’t easy. From applications and exams to drafting a personal statement, there is a lot to keep track of for a law school-hopeful, and mistakes can be costly when there is no one to guide you. Thankfully, that is where Jasmin comes in! Her company, Jas Talks Law, helps potential students create a weekly action plan to go step-by-step through the law school admissions process by using her plastic coil workbook printing project.

Plastic Coil Workbook Printing: Jas Talks Law

This particular project was a plastic coil workbook entitled “From Maybe to Yes” and focused on creating a personal statement. Utilizing the stark contrast between black, white, and gold, the format is both professional and approachable.

When creating a workbook, it can be easy to focus on all of the insights you want to offer and neglect to include the space and resources that are necessary for the actual user of the workbook. However, Jasmin’s setup is perfect for her purposes: a great balance of helpful tips and open space that welcomes the user to engage with and learn from the process.

Plastic Coil Workbook Printing Project Specs

Paper: 100# Matte Text
Cover: 120# Gloss
Ink: Color
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Binding: Plastic Coil
# of pages: 30

plastic coil book sample

Client Review of Plastic Coil Workbook Printing Project

Why did you select Publishing Xpress?

Because of the Facebook reviews, free shipping, price, the plastic wrap being included, quantity freedom, and excellent customer service.

How was your experience with Publishing Xpress?

GREAT. Zero complaints.

How do you feel about the quality and timeliness of your project?

Extremely satisfied.

Would you use Publishing Xpress again? Why?

Yes and I am recommending to others needing printing services.

Is there anyone you wish had been different?


More Information on the Jas Talks Law Plastic Coil Workbook Printing Project

We really enjoyed working with Jasmin on this project and look forward to printing for Jas Talks Law in the future!

To learn more about Jasmin’s law school coaching, please visit

Be sure to check out our online pricing calculators for a quick quote on any printing projects.

plastic coil example

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