Category Archives: Books & Booklets

Booklet & Catelogs

Online Comic Book Marketing: How to Successfully Market

Once you’ve written and self-published a comic book, the next step is online comic book sales. You can use a variety of methods to increase your online comic book sales. Here are some tips to get more online attention and … Continue reading »

Church Booklets: How to Design an Effective Booklet

Religious communities have long used printed materials in their corporate and individual activities and church booklets can be an effective part of a church’s resources. Small enough to fit in a coat pocket or notebook-sized, church booklet printing is a … Continue reading »

Cookbook Sales Are Piping Hot

Publishers and bookstores have noticed a positive trend in the past few years: Their cookbook sales are jumping, with cookbooks flying off the shelves. Always a popular category, cookbook sales have soared in the past three years. In 2021, cookbook … Continue reading »

Book Trailer: Do You Need One for a Successful Book?

Sitting in the movies and watching trailers of upcoming features is an exciting part of going to the theater for many people. Experiencing the thrill of meeting a new character or world in a movie trailer generates interest in a … Continue reading »

How to Find Outstanding Beta Readers for Your Book

When you write a book, an important part of the process is finding beta readers. These reviewers read your book in its final stages and give you an honest assessment of it. Beta readers can help you step out of … Continue reading »

Children’s Book Illustrator: Where to Find an Outstanding One

Looking for a children’s book illustrator? Illustrations are essential to a successful children’s book. If you have the talent, you can create the artwork yourself. In most cases, however, you need to find a children’s book illustrator who can bring … Continue reading »

10 Ways to Save Book Printing Costs

Authors don’t have to wait for a publishing company to decide to bring their book to print anymore. They can do it themselves and self-publish with a printing company instead. But one of the aspects of self-publishing that differs from … Continue reading »

Blog to Book Transformation: 7 Steps for a Dazzling Book

A certain amount of freedom comes with being a blogger. The way you schedule your writing, the topics you choose to write about, whether or not you review products or services, and even the writing voice you utilize are all … Continue reading »

Cookbook Recipes: Using Someone Else’s Delicious Recipe

Cookbooks are a popular type of book to publish because there are so many variations of cookbooks to make. The combination of cookbook recipes that can be included is endless and cookbooks provide a fantastic way to preserve memories and … Continue reading »

9 Steps for Easy Classroom Anthology Creation

An excellent way to inspire your students is to create a classroom anthology project that shows off their work. This is a fun project for a class of any size and in any subject. You can choose written materials, artwork, … Continue reading »

Writing and Publishing Your Comic Book in 7 Effective Steps

Comics are more popular than ever. The enormous success of the Marvel and DC comics has created blockbuster movies and spawned hundreds of spinoffs. Here are the steps you’ll need for writing and publishing your comic book or graphic novel. … Continue reading »

7 Reliable Steps for Using Informational Booklets as Marketing Tools

Businesses can plan their marketing campaigns around using print marketing tools, digital strategies, or a combination of both. Depending on the industry your organization serves, your marketing budget and the target demographic you want to reach, using a variety of … Continue reading »