Category Archives: Books – Perfect Bound

Books – Perfect Bound

Online Book Printing Service: 7 Great Benefits

Should you use an online book printing service? Authors put hours, days, weeks, or even years into writing a book, so choosing how to finalize a book so it is ready to be put into a reader’s hands is a … Continue reading »

Author Bio: How to Write an Outstanding One

Your author bio is an important part of your finished book. It gives readers a quick insight into who you are, why you wrote your book, and why they might enjoy reading your work. This isn’t a resume or a … Continue reading »

Art Books: How to Self Publish a Great One

If you’re a visual artist, you may not have given much thought to self publishing. Are art books a good option for self publishing? Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, there are good reasons to self publish art … Continue reading »

Book Facts: 18 Fun Facts about Books

Looking for some book facts for inspiration? Writing a book of any length can be challenging, frustrating, and exciting, and it puts you in a literary club with authors and would-be writers worldwide. Books impact our lives from the time … Continue reading »

Autobiography: How to Write a Book about Your Incredible Life

Would your auobiography make a thrilling read? If you’d like to relive—and share—the most significant parts of your life, consider writing a book about your life. Who Should Write an Autobiography Anyone can write their life story. Sometimes called a … Continue reading »

New Book Cover: 8 Reasons to Reprint Your Book

Do you need to reprint your book with a new book cover? It’s a cold, hard fact that readers judge books by their covers. Given that, it may be time to reprint with a new book cover, especially if your … Continue reading »

Gen Z Readers: 7 Reasons They Prefer Print Books

It may seem as though the digital world has taken over, but in the world of publishing, printed books still reign supreme, even with Gen Z readers. It turns out that most readers prefer print books over e-books by a … Continue reading »

Small Book Quantities: 4 Reasons This Is a Great Printing Option

Why do small book quantities make sense? Deciding between self-publishing and working with a traditional publishing company can be challenging for many authors. The end result – a beautiful book, ready to be put into the hands of a reader … Continue reading »

Landscape Books: Is It a Best Selling Option for Your Book?

Should you consider landscape books for your next book project? When you’re designing a printed project, the orientation is part of your decision. Should you choose portrait or landscape books? In this article, we’ll explain landscape books, portrait books, and … Continue reading »

Ebooks vs. Printing Books: Which Is Your Best Option?

Digital book aficionados report that some aspects of eBooks can’t be beaten, like having access to thousands of books on one device. On the other hand, many readers surveyed by the Association of American Publishers noted that holding a digital … Continue reading »

Nonfiction Book Myths: 5 Myths to Ignore

Worried about nonfiction book myths you’ve heard of? If you’re engaged in nonfiction book writing, you may have some questions about the possibility of your book’s success. You may have a great idea for a book, but you’re not sure … Continue reading »

Bookstores: How to Succeed in Getting Your Book in Bookstores

When you started writing, you probably dreamed about seeing your book in bookstores. Whether your plans involve being on the shelves of a small, independent bookstore or a major retailer, there are ways to get your books on those shelves. … Continue reading »