Category Archives: Books – Perfect Bound

Books – Perfect Bound

Book Readability: 3 Best Practices

Have you ever picked up a book to peruse the pages and something just felt . . . off? Maybe the layout seemed a little different than a typical book or the font was too big or too small. Or … Continue reading »

The Traditional Publishing Industry vs Self-Publishing

Writers often aim to become published but don’t know where to start. Authors can either go the route of traditional publishing houses or they can choose to self-publish their books. Choosing which publishing industry to pursue, especially for new authors, … Continue reading »

Perfect Bound Motivational Book: Spotlight on Try Kindness by Joshua Goodling

This short perfect bound motivational book was written by Joshua Goodling, a terminal cancer survivor, speaker, and author. His messages, books, and writings have inspired and encouraged people all over the world. Joshua wrote this short publication to be a … Continue reading »

3 Popular Types of Nonfiction Books

Aspiring writers craft all sorts of books from every genre and subgenre imaginable. Many times we think that the most popular books are always in fiction categories like mysteries, historical fiction, science fiction, or even romance novels. But plenty of … Continue reading »

5 Benefits of Laminated Book Covers

Self-published authors have a lot of decisions to make when preparing their manuscripts for printing. Choosing the format for the text or graphic elements in the book, selecting the best binding option for the book, and solidifying the cover design … Continue reading »

10 Elements of Book Back Matter

You’ve finally finished your book. You reached the end of the story or at least it’s first installment. If it’s a nonfiction book, you’ve presented your argument and your supporting research. Now, you can relax and send it off to … Continue reading »

9 Elements of Book Front Matter

If you’ve ever made a public presentation, you know how important it is to have all your materials in order. When you present your book to the world, your readers expect it to follow a clear, well-organized format. The book … Continue reading »

Perfect Bound Business Manual: Spotlight on Lewis Maven and Associates

A business comes with great responsibilities and a plethora of things a new business owner needs to know and understand. Lewis Maven and Associates guides you through a business readiness process and gives you the next steps to making your … Continue reading »

7 Top Tips for Writing Graphic Novels

Writing graphic novels is different than writing regular novels. Writing graphic novels can be easier than authoring a novel because you don’t need to spend time describing settings, character descriptions, or extended dialogue. On the other hand, it requires illustrations … Continue reading »

7 Things Your Book Cover Design Tells Your Readers

What makes a reader grab a book off the shelf? Is it the book with the brightest cover? Or the most eye-catching photograph? Or is it bold graphics or the way the title jumps off the page? In truth, all … Continue reading »

Differences Between Literary Fiction and Genre Fiction

Book publishers, critics, and readers group most books into one of two categories: genre fiction and literary fiction. Genre fiction includes mystery, romance, police procedural, suspense, horror, and other well-known categories. Literary fiction is fiction that doesn’t fit a particular … Continue reading »

Taking the Mystery Out of Writing Mystery Novels

Books that bring out strong emotions in readers tend to create that page-turning, don’t-put-it-down feeling. And mysteries along with thrillers are the novel genres most likely to evoke this kind of emotional connection between a reader and the story. And … Continue reading »