Category Archives: How-To Articles

Fundraising Ad Book: How to Make Money for Your Organization

We know what you are probably thinking – we must be crazy. Making money from a fundraising ad book? Is that even possible? Well, you are on your way to learning the truth – and the truth will most likely … Continue reading »

5 Tips on Comic Book Printing

Looking for tips on comic book printing? A self-made comic book using on-demand comic book printing is a dream of many writers and graphic designers today. Comic books are a medium that has charmed millions of readers all around the … Continue reading »

The Long and Short of Printing Booklets

It seems no one ever starts out wanting to write booklets; but once a writer understands the benefits of printing booklets, he or she is never the same. Published and yet-to-be-published authors are getting excited about booklets. Why? Printing Booklets … Continue reading »

Training Manuals Can Be Works of Art

Training manuals are everywhere in the business world, but many will end up unread on the shelf. Manual writers often miss opportunities to produce interesting, important and usable training materials because they simply don’t understand some basics about training manuals … Continue reading »

Is Direct Mail Still Relevant?

The movie theater parking lot was packed. It seemed everyone in town was somewhere in the 12-plex theater munching on popcorn and Junior Mints, watching the latest Hollywood treat. It was 2014. Was anyone at home watching a movie on … Continue reading »