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Category Archives: Self Publishing
4 Great Benefits of a Printed Membership Directory
With so many organizations and groups utilizing online communication, holding a printed membership directory in your hands might seem like something out of the past. But more and more, groups are now printing a physical copy of their membership directory … Continue reading
Write a Gripping Book Synopsis in 6 Steps
There are times you may have to write a synopsis of your book. This can be challenging, but your hard work will pay off with a book synopsis you can use to present your book to agents or marketing experts. … Continue reading
Outstanding Book Design in 8 Steps
Deciding to self-publish your book is a big step but coming up with the content you love is only part of the process. Authors who want to self-publish will need to create a print-ready file of their work that is … Continue reading
7 Steps to Copyright a Book
When writers come up with an original idea, craft a unique and compelling book, and then publish it, the assumption is that they alone hold the rights to the book. While technically true, works written by an author can be … Continue reading
7 Strategies for Promoting Self-Published Books
7 Tips for Promoting Self-Published Books Writing a book is a commendable task but finding readers is the next step after publishing your book. Authors who decide to self-publish their work have to find creative and beneficial ways to get … Continue reading
Book Formatting Tips
Writing a book is an accomplishment that many people dream about but coming up with the stories, plot lines, characters or information to include for a self-published book is only part of the work. Authors that are creating a manuscript … Continue reading
First Time Author Mistakes
Writers have a story to tell and the thrill of creating, revising, and polishing it into a completed book is hard to match. But published authors can attest to the fact that it is easy to make mistakes in the … Continue reading
Why Is an Editor Necessary?
It’s easy to think you don’t need an editor … after all, you’ve come this far on your own, and it’s difficult to allow someone else to criticize and potentially make changes to your book. However, it’s important to remember … Continue reading
Writer’s Block: Understanding the Problem and Moving Forward
You know how it goes… You sit down at your desk. You’ve adjusted the temperature, opened, closed, then re-opened the curtains. You have your mug of preferred hot beverage and you’re in your comfy pants. Everything is just right. But…the … Continue reading
4 Writing Tips Every Author Should Consider Before Self-Publishing
Before self-publishing, consider some writing tips. Self-publishing is an incredibly exciting endeavor. After all, in today’s world, there’s no more waiting for some elitist publishing house to bestow its authorial crown on your head in order to become an official … Continue reading
How to Promote Your Self-Published Book
Congratulations – you’ve followed through with something most people only dream of…you’re an author (or about to be)! But once the initial excitement wears off and your inner circle has read and marveled at your book, you’re probably asking yourself, … Continue reading
How Do You Know You Have a Money Making Book Idea?
Many people have dreams of writing a best-selling book and making it big. After all, who doesn’t want to share their story or thoughts with the world with a money making book idea? Unfortunately, life gets in the way, and … Continue reading