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Category Archives: Self Publishing
Writer’s Block: Understanding the Problem and Moving Forward
You know how it goes… You sit down at your desk. You’ve adjusted the temperature, opened, closed, then re-opened the curtains. You have your mug of preferred hot beverage and you’re in your comfy pants. Everything is just right. But…the … Continue reading
4 Writing Tips Every Author Should Consider Before Self-Publishing
Before self-publishing, consider some writing tips. Self-publishing is an incredibly exciting endeavor. After all, in today’s world, there’s no more waiting for some elitist publishing house to bestow its authorial crown on your head in order to become an official … Continue reading
How to Promote Your Self-Published Book
Congratulations – you’ve followed through with something most people only dream of…you’re an author (or about to be)! But once the initial excitement wears off and your inner circle has read and marveled at your book, you’re probably asking yourself, … Continue reading
How Do You Know You Have a Money Making Book Idea?
Many people have dreams of writing a best-selling book and making it big. After all, who doesn’t want to share their story or thoughts with the world with a money making book idea? Unfortunately, life gets in the way, and … Continue reading
How to become a successful self published author
Are you thinking about becoming a self published author? That’s awesome! It seems like you have chosen the right timing. Self publishing has been around for a while, so thousands of other authors have paved the way to the readers … Continue reading
Self Publishing Your Books: How to Make Money
So you’ve decided – you are going to try self publishing your books and see what happens. You’ve got an idea for a book, motivation to finish it on your own, and a desire to set it free, hoping for millions … Continue reading
Self-Publishing History: It Is the Best of Times; It Is the Worst of Times
Were you aware that the “movement” to self-publishing is actually a return to self-publishing? Before the industrial era’s shift to publishing consolidation, authors often published their own works. Let’s review self-publishing history. In fact, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens … Continue reading
8 Writing Rules to Break
The trouble with any list of writing rules is that it implies there is only one way to do it. The very nature of art is to push the rules, to transcend techniques. But as Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj once said, … Continue reading
Printing Press: The Most Important Invention
Many consider the printing press to be the most important invention in the history of the world. Imagine a world with no books, newspapers, or magazines. The printing press has allowed the widespread dissemination and storage of important ideas. Without … Continue reading
7 Persistent Writing Myths
Writing myths abound. When people ask what I do for a living, I often get responses like, “Wow. I could never be a writer; I can’t spell worth a hoot.” Rather than launching into a rebuttal, I usually just shake … Continue reading
12 Common Myths about Self-Publishing
For those who dream of becoming successful, financially independent writers, the lure of self-publishing can seem like a shortcut to achieving fame. But before you embark on the self-publishing journey, what are the major myths about self-publishing you should be … Continue reading