Category Archives: Self Publishing

Picture Story Telling: How to Tell a Great Story with Pictures

What are the basics of picture story telling? Illustrations are the heart of any children’s book. If your dream is to write and publish a children’s book, you know how powerful a single image can be. When you create a … Continue reading »

AI Book Covers: 5 Great Reasons to Use One

Should you consider AI book covers for your books? A gorgeous book cover that appeals to readers in all of the right ways is what every author hopes they can deliver to their readers. For a self-publishing author, ensuring that … Continue reading »

Religious Printing: 5 Steps to Grow Your Congregation with Valuable Content

Religious groups have been utilizing religious printing to grow congregation numbers since Johann Gutenberg’s newly designed printing press rolled off its first book, the Christian Bible. Since then, printed messages of all sorts have been instrumental in bringing information to … Continue reading »

Buy Books Directly: Convincing Reasons for Your Readers

How do you get readers to buy books directly from you? When your self-published book is ready to get into the hands of your readers, authors can choose which channels they want to use to sell their books. While some … Continue reading »

Book Mockups: How to Boost the Impact of Your Advertising

Wonder why you need book mockups? One of the challenges every self-published writer faces is the need for advertising ideas that work with a small budget while making a big impact. How are you going to get the word out … Continue reading »

Novella Writing: 7 Tips for Success

Many authors consider novella writing instead of writing full-length novels. Maybe you don’t have enough of a plot to stretch to a full novel, or maybe you’re interested in exploring one small event in a character’s life. Others do novella … Continue reading »

Selling Books with Email Marketing: 6 Great Tips

Writing and publishing a book might seem like the most critical parts of becoming an author, but selling books into the hands of readers is equally important. Writers who self-publish today can use one strategy that allows them to interact … Continue reading »

Graphic Memoir: 6 Tips for Writing a Great Memoir

A graphic memoir is a book about a person, their life, and the lessons learned in life. They are often popular because these books allow readers to learn from another person’s life experiences. Readers love to see the world through … Continue reading »

Book Preface: 6 Tips to Write a Great Preface

A book preface is an important part of your book’s front matter. While not needed in a novel, it is necessary in a work of nonfiction, where it sets the tone of your book and gives readers some idea of … Continue reading »

Better Writer: 12 Tips to Become a Great Writer

Whether you are already a published author or you are new to the craft, seeking ways to become a better writer is a common pursuit of those who love to write. Since writers are gifted with their own unique talents, … Continue reading »

Church Printing Outreach: 6 Steps to Creating a Great Strategy

How do you design an effective church printing outreach strategy? Connecting with a church membership primarily happens when the front doors of the building open and attendees and visitors arrive for weekly services. But greeting each other, participating in a … Continue reading »

Comics: 10 Outstanding Types of Comics

Comics have been popular with readers for many years, and fans of these relatively short tales know that there are different comic book genres for just about everyone to enjoy. But even though comic book styles vary widely, the defining … Continue reading »