Category Archives: Self Publishing

Product Page: Create a Compelling One

A product page is an essential part of any e-commerce listing, and it’s necessary if you plan to sell anything online. How do you create a page that compels a browsing customer to make the decision to click on your … Continue reading »

Using Kick Starter to Fund Your Next Book

Have you always wanted to publish a book but knew you needed funding to bring the project to print? Then a Kick Starter campaign might be a solution for you to consider. Creative projects like writing a book, making a … Continue reading »

Multi Author Anthology: Creative Self Publishing Tips

Who should consider a multi author anthology? As an author, writing and publishing your own book may be your first priority. But for authors who write short stories, poetry, or other content that is shorter than a typical book length … Continue reading »

Author Logo: Do You Need a Creative Logo?

Do you need an author logo? Logos are the way that businesses quickly and effectively promote themselves through marketing and their products. The bright red and white scrolling font of a soda company provides instant recognition for drinks branded by … Continue reading »

Book Genres: Finding the Perfect Fit

There are several different book genres, but most books fit into one of the standard, recognizable categories recognized by the publishing industry. If you’ve just come up with an idea for a book, you may be wondering which book genres … Continue reading »

Write Faster: 7 Tips to Help

Looking to write faster? Do you ever find yourself ready to begin a new writing session, filled with hope and excitement for the quality and quantity of content you are about to create only to feel disappointed when your time … Continue reading »

Use Your Dazzling Author Photo to Sell Your Book

Some writers treat their author photograph as an afterthought—and that’s a mistake. A good photo is an instant form of communication that conveys key information about you and your book to prospective readers. If you spend some time creating an … Continue reading »

Copyright Your Book: Basic Reasons to Copyright

Do you need to copyright your book? Once you’ve written your book, a copyright is essential. Copyrighting is a key legal step you must always take before you print your work. Here some tips to copyright your book easily, fast, … Continue reading »

Reusing a Book Title: Should You Do It?

Some authors write their books having a title in mind from very early on, while other writers pen the final pages of their books before settling on just the right phrase to title their work. But once an author has … Continue reading »

Book Ending: How to Write the Perfect One

Sometimes, knowing crafting the perfect book ending is the hardest part of writing. You’ve spent months or years developing your story, and now, you’re at a loss to know how you’re going to wrap it up. The Book Ending Is … Continue reading »

Nonfiction Marketing Tools: Use Them to Successfully Sell More Books

Writing a nonfiction book is a huge accomplishment. Now, you have to make sure people want to read it. You can do that by using nonfiction marketing tools that other nonfiction writers have used with success. Promoting and selling a … Continue reading »

Book Signings: How to Promote Yourself

Sitting in a crowded bookstore and signing copies of your latest book for a crowd of admiring readers is a dream for many authors. Book signings are a time-honored tradition in book marketing. They give you visibility, bring customers to … Continue reading »